It's late as usual, but we're off!

It's still cold on the mountain, so it's a good decision to wear an electric heating suit.

Izu Skyline. It's starting to clear up.


We find a facility along the beach to watch the sunset.
A local woman makes me a cup of coffee.
After we drink, we'll take a nap on the beach.

Oh, yeah.
The cafe where I took this video.
I stumbled upon it on the street, but it opened today, and they only do it in March and September when the sunsets are beautiful.

And the Nishi-Izu Skyline

We drove through Izuska in the morning. .... When I was avoiding the toll road, I took my second coffee break of the day because of the traffic jam on the way down, a specialty of the Izu Peninsula.

Bath and rest at Tenzan on the way back

One of the best things about Tien Shan is that the free napping space is located in a slightly secluded area, so it is always empty.
I lazed around while listening to the murmuring of the river.
In the daytime, you can enjoy the view of the mountain stream in front of you.
By the way, the obvious seating area near the entrance is always crowded.
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motorcycle touring
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