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Maze of candidates for additional vehicles
In terms of annual mileage, it's okay to add another car, right? That's the reason why we've been thinking about adding another car since last fall. I'm not sure what I'm going to choose as my first choice, but I'm thinking of....
- Hatsushigi Kondo.Harley-Davidson 883N
This is one of the vehicles that originally inspired me to think about adding another vehicle to my fleet.

If you don't care about the year, there are plenty of affordable vehicles on the used market.
- High-powered cars while you can still drive them. Stoffy around 2 liters
I think it's because of the two bikes I've ridden very recently. The GSX-S750 and GSX-S1000 are the most likely candidates. If I were to get one of these, I'd go for a GSX-S750 or 1000. As an older guy, I'd like to ride a bike that's a little more sport-oriented while I can still enjoy it.

The other models listed below are the most right at the moment in terms of being able to enjoy them even when they are next replaced...... Resistance to appearance: .... I'm not sure if this is an obstacle for me.
- CB750 (RC42) that also goes to riding school?
From the end of the year to the beginning of the year, I even went to Honda Dream to look for a used car thinking, "I'm going to buy this one, aren't I?" and I even went to Honda Dream to look for a used car.

It's within my budget, and I feel obligated as a Japanese rider to own a Honda CB at least once.
- Convenient for traveling in Tokyo. Off-road vehicle in the 250cc class that can go to the forest road.
You can rent a large motorcycle for a variety of reasons, and that was my original goal."Dedicated weekday work transfer car"If you go back to the question, "What is the best way to do this?

- What happens when you buy de used .... Great Adventure.
If you have a second bike that you are allowed to fail on because you have a real one, you can try ....... You can also choose to ride something like this.

By Okonomiyaki-kimichan - Works by the contributors themselves, GFDL-no-disclaimers, Link
There are too many candidates & too many different types to begin with......So, I've been wandering down a lost path lately......orz
Reasons for not following the original plan
The bike shop where I bought my Ninja 650 has a Harley specialty store as a branch. When I slipped up to the guy at the bike shop and said, "I'd like to buy more 883Ns from ....." When I slipped up to the guy at the bike shop, he said, "We have a lot of reasonably priced bikes, you should visit the store. And that store is only 130 meters away from where I bought my Ninja 650....... There's something about Harleys that makes me resistant to them: ...... I haven't been to that store yet......
The point isThe bad Harley feeling that non-Harley bikers in the way.
I won't go into details, but I'm sure many of you will understand....... Well, almost.The image you see here.Here it is: ..... I've only ridden two Sportsters (the 883N and the Forty-Eight), but if you can accept a certain amount of resignation, it's a pretty good bike......
I'm confident that I won't be able to live with the pain of being seen as one of these people when I go riding, so I'll just rent a Harley from time to time. I'm not interested in anything other than a Sportster in the first place.......
I can't ride in advance... So, CB750(RC42) was not a candidate.
And here is another CB750 (RC42) that I had given up. Although I use it for work transportation, it is a hobby vehicle. If my goal is to make my transportation more comfortable, I should just ride a car. If that's the case"Cannot test drive or rent in advance"That's the only reason why you're not selected...... But......
I found a rental bike.
And this store is only about 3.5km away from my house.
As for the StoFy, the rental bike shop has an extensive line up. Besides the SUZUKI GSX-S750 and BMW S1000R that I've ridden so far and the KAWASAKI Z1000 that I'm booking tomorrow, there are a few others, and these have the option of being rented 4~5 times a year for fun. If that is the case, I will have to try riding the CB750 first.
15,600 yen for 8 hours....... That's a bit expensive.
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Rental Bikes
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