After I got my Ninja 400, I didn't drive a car anymore and it was time to buy a new one, so I sold it and switched to a car-sharing lifestyle. It's super convenient because it's only a few minutes walk away!
As a result, motorcycles travel on weekdays as well as holidays.
As I am in the business of marketing, planning and development of websites, I can visit customers in relatively soft clothes in most cases, so I have switched almost 100% of my transportation in Tokyo from cars to motorcycles.
Of course, it's not a suit.Mistaken for a motorcycle delivery service at the reception desk at the destinationOften.
And what surprised me was the parking issue.There are so few places to park motorcycles in Tokyo, aren't there?
There are many cities that I have lost the opportunity to visit due to not being able to find bike parking in advance.For example, I have a favorite pork cutlet restaurant in Musashi-Koyama, but I haven't been there once since I moved to a motorcycle......
When I used to ride, I was still a student and I used to park on the sidewalk with my bicycle because it was before the amendment of the Road Traffic Law that made parking on the street stricter, but now I'm an adult and I can't do that. It is essential to check the parking lot before going out. If it's your own company, office, or a building complex, you can call in advance and they will tell you where you can park, but if it's near a train station or in the city center, there are buildings with no parking spaces. In such cases, I look for parking spaces in the following order.
①Search by Web Service
Operated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Road Maintenance and Preservation Public Corporation[s-park for riders|Guide to hourly motorcycle parking in Tokyo]is useful.
The number of available parking spaces is also displayed, so you can use your smartphone navigation system to set up a stopover at a candidate parking lot near your destination.
Around major stations in Tokyo, this site is usually a good solution. For example, Ebisu Station and
I found a parking lot in Sangenjaya here and started using it.
②Use a parking lot sharing service
Individuals are more likely to use their(For example, it's empty during the day.)I use a web service that rents out parking spaces for a fee. The ones I use are
This is a type of parking where you rent a parking space in a monthly parking lot or in an ordinary household. There are still a few of these, but most of them are cheaper than regular parking lots, especially if you park for a long time.

③I'm desperate to find it.
In fact, some newer commercial buildings have underground parking spaces for motorcycles, and if you check their websites, you'll find that there are a lot of hole-in-the-wall buildings, especially in the city center. By the way, Yokohama City has an ordinance that requires commercial facilities and buildings above a certain size to have motorcycle parking lots, so there is always a place to park your motorcycle. For example, here is a certain building near Ginza, but it is so empty.
There is also a building in the basement of a building in Minami Aoyama.
Also, there are usually spaces in public parking lots. This is the Shinjuku West Exit underground.
③The last thing you need is a parking meter.
In the city center, the time limit is usually only one hour, so I can only use it when I can read the return time.On-street parking meters are also available for motorcycles.。
However, there are too few places to park compared to cars.
I hope there will be more. I think I'll start a signature campaign on the Internet..... w
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