Ah ..... The bike is a little small for my height, even though I have short legs...... The bike is a little small for my height.
Well, I'm riding a bike that I like, and thanks to the compactness of the bike, I have no worries about maneuvering it while astride or controlling it while riding.
I didn't actually have to get on the bike.You can't just stand off to the side and take it around.The only time I've ever done that was when I accidentally parked in a very low spot.I've only done this a few times before: .......
I have short legs......
And I'm particularly concerned about the footing.
Fortunately, I've only had a couple of minor bumps and bruises in the 40,000km I've ridden since I got back, but I've been able to avoid bumps and bruises thanks to my NInja 400/650, which has a good footing..... There are a lot of patterns like this.
When you stop and put your foot down, you may find that there is sand or dead leaves and your foot slips a little, or when you put your left foot down, the shoulder is more slanted than you expected......
If it had been a vehicle with an insecure footing, I would have had sex with it several times.
One of my criteria for choosing a bike is whether it is safe and reliable to ride.
Luckily, I don't have a wife or kids.(There are two ex-wives: .....)I don't have anyone to bother in my private life, but there are many people who would bother me at work if I got injured and had to be hospitalized for some reason.
Oh, and this video makes me think of a habit I used to have when I used to ride an American."Extremely heavy user of rear brake"I've never felt that I was going to lose my grip on the front brake. I've never felt the front brakes go out of control.
This site is very useful!
So I'm super interested in the Africa Twin, but I won't rent a bike.
If you want to check the footing before renting or test driving, this is a very useful site.
You can simulate the footing & body size (height) ratio on various bikes.
This is what the Ninja 650 would look like if I were to set it up based on my Showa-era body type, which has a seat height of 1 meter.
Yeah. That's pretty close to how it looks in real life. I'm not sure how much of the vehicle's width is taken into account, but for example, if you change the vehicle to a Ninja 1000 with the same set height and inseam, you'll get the following: .....
Yeah, yeah. Like this. When I put both feet on, my heels lift a little.
By the way, you can also simulate the straddling condition by switching the switch on the screen.
And with AfricaTwin, it's like this (laughs)
Ballerina .........
By the way, this site remembers the car model you selected on your last visit, which is also super convenient.