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I rented a bike.
It's a beautiful Saturday, but as usual, the staff came to my house during the day to work and lecture a bit.
I went out in the early evening after I had taken a break. My destination was 2Rinkan.
We slipped into the parking lot and found our target vehicle for the day parked right in front of us.SUZUKI GSX-S750
A street-fighter motorcycle with a GSX-R-derived engine mounted on a bar-handled naked vehicle.
My training car was a 700cc (NC700K), so maybe this is my first Nanahan in my life. I borrowed it because the weather forecast says that I won't need electric clothes and grip heaters tomorrow.
By the way, this is the vehicle. At first, the staff was explaining us how to set up the track controller, but I didn't listen carefully because I thought I could just look at it by myself later.....
Immediately after the loan, the TRACON setting was turned off.
Hey, this guy..... He's fast......
So, I'm heading back home for now. I stopped at a nearby convenience store and took some pictures. The seat is about 2cm higher than the Ninja 650, though both feet are planted...... Anyway, it's a very compact bike with no cowl and a lot of attitude.
This is a good bike. The handlebars are a little narrower and a little lower than the Ninja 650, but the forward lean is adequate. It seems to have a low RPM assist function that automatically raises the RPM when you start the bike, but I couldn't feel the effect, but I think it made it easier to ride at very low speeds when the light was about to change.
The four-cylinder engine blows lightly, and the high center of gravity of the vehicle makes cornering a breeze. Opening and closing the gas pedal is also fun. My favorite four-cylinder engine I've ever ridden is actually the one on the Hayabusa, but since it's a Suzuki GSX-R, I'm sure we share some of the same qualities.
Acceleration itself didn't feel that different from the Ninja 650, but considering that I had just rented the bike and wasn't used to riding it and was a bit reserved on the gas pedal, I'd say it was actually quite fast.
As of today, there were only two things that caught my attention about the Ninja 650 ratio.
- Discomfort with the scenery in front of you when driving.
Since I usually drive a full cowl car, I still can't get used to the scantily clad feeling in front of me.

There is a mark at the 5,000 RPM mark, so you can judge based on that at a glance: .... However, I think the digital tachometer is not suitable for instantaneous reading.
Also, every time I ride a naked bike, I always feel uncomfortable with the handlebar mirror because it requires more eye movement to check the rear compared to the cowl mounted mirror.
- I felt that the suspension was not good enough.
This is because the comparison is with a vehicle with Ohlins front and rear..... I think it's just that the suspension doesn't settle down when you drive on asphalt roads that are rough or have construction marks on them. It's like the pitching doesn't stop forever. I wonder if it would be different if I set it up properly.
I remembered how much wind hits my legs on a naked bike.
I've recently become addicted to this one......
I bought this at a convenience store on my way home.
A chocolate-coated potato chip, very similar to the famous Hokkaido souvenir ROYCE's product: ..... Today is my 6th box in the last 10 days or so!.....
When I was eating at lunchtime today, I was verbally attacked by a staff member who said, "You're getting fat because you're eating like that......
[Extra] Today's Unconvincing Corner
When I went to go out, I found this on top of my bike cover, rubber banded to my mirror: ..... Very sickening.
It's not like I'm going to come into the parking lot of an apartment building to put this thing on my bike and touch someone else's private property."120% honesty"This is not something that a company that claims to be "the best of the best" should be doing, and before that, it is illegal.
The corner of the flyer proudly states"National Public Security Committee No. 451460005988"By the way, the website says"National Public Safety Commission"But that's just an antique dealer registration number that any monkey can get....
I mean, it's already 2018, what's the benefit of going against the law and doing business this way? I think it will only be disliked by the people who take good care of their bikes with a certain level of quality, so they will only be able to handle vehicles with low margins......
My client's business performance skyrocketed when they stopped using this method of posting and shifted their entire budget to web marketing: .... That was almost 10 years ago.......
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